Hardware Repairs

Mobile Computer, Printer and Scanner Repairs

You have two choices when it comes to the services you offer. They are:

Option #1: List them all on one landing page (See Services page on main menu) with a brief description of what you offer and a strong call-to-action

Option #2: Create separate landing pages for each OR any that warrant due to search volumes and/or deserve more details than the list above can provide.

You should consider separate landing pages for services that…

 Represent core offering for your company

 Have sufficient search volumes  – That is, enough people are searching for these services online

 Require more detailed explanations – For example, repair services are fairly self-explanatory but your visitors may have more questions about wireless site surveys – you must balance between too much, and too little information

You should consider a group landing page if:

 Your company offers 1-5 main services

 You can sufficiently describe  the main features and benefits of your services in one or two short paragraphs




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